Saturday, March 19, 2011


Come back to us.
Return with your sun-reflected orange light,
A zig-zag stagger squiggling in the swirl of the sea.
You are evidence of darker, lifeless bodies out there.
You bear the scars of meteor-mad millennia.
You bring tides to shore and us to us.
You tug at our eyes.
Unveil them.

Captured in your pull,
We have nowhere to go, and neither do you.
You sit enthroned in fevered
Light tonight, a part of us broken off, aloft.
Hang in balance, old one, lifeless one.
Turn in darkness and give back light,
Even if you will never
glow alone.

Monday, March 7, 2011

August 10 (for Glenn)

A blue sky decorated
With a frosting of cloud — 
And you are not here.

The candles of the sun
93 million miles away
Warms my skin —
And you do not sit beside me.

The rivers of wind
Give voice to the trees —
And you speak only in
The stillness between breaths.

There will be no celebration today,
No cake with 50 candles,
No songs to be sung,
No sweetness of laughter on the tongue —
Only the morsels of memory
Remain to sustain us.