Friday, March 28, 2014

First Light, Barbados

Star that lights all lives,
Even in the darkest places,
And why do I happen to land here
On Harrismith Beach, St. Philip, Barbados,
Alone, swaddled in beauty inexplicable,
At this early hour?
I weep. I smile. I awake.
Too much, really, all this.
Be still here, I counsel myself.
See the star rising over the
Unbelievable blue-green ocean,
The sugar sand beneath your feet.
The coral walls, the swaying palms,
The caresses of the tradewinds.
You, uncloaked now,
Standing in those
Thrashing waves. 
Still smiling through tears,
A crazy tourist.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Where are the kings and the angels?
The paupers and the downtrodden?
Why this heaven on Earth for you?
And then the sun rises and 
You recognize this truth 
At the core of all things:
The world is fundamentally good.

Monday, March 24, 2014


Second leg —
And the orangey-white
Twinkling grid
Of Miami blazes impossibly
Beneath the left wing.
We turn on a tilt,
Grinding and buckling,
And thanks to gravity
And that banquet of air,
Make a heading,
Dagger-eyed and tail blinking,
Toward the equator,
Where the planet
Bulges closer to the sun.
The black cuts into view
At the land’s edge,
The sea there below,
And we rattle and rocket —
Just me and God,
And the rivets along the wings.
It’s all a dream state —
The Diet Coke trembling
In its plastic cup on stage left
Of my seatback tray.
The loafers on my feet
That trudged through snow and ice
This morning
Hours from now,
If those rivets hold,
Will traipse the good 
Ocher dust of the West Indies.
I know nothing.
I need to go where
I am directed.
How can I retain
The miraculous?
With this poem.