You drift fixed,
Tides grinding,
Taking some here,
Depositing some there.
Edges rise sharp
To glare at the ephemera of sea.
You anchor yourself
To stake a claim
At the ineffable.
Transported there, returning, passages
And harbors and bays and coves and open
Seas, the prow of self on bowsprit.
And you land, settled again, with one
Footfall to bridge the gap into something else
Just out of reach that you hold onto.
Why this? Perhaps because all who came before
On rocks adrift — Sao Miguel, Bermuda, Britain,
Out there amid the void, in
And now you: Peaks, Barbados, Cape Ann, if you
Count the Annisquam, these rocks
From which you view the world
From which you view the world
Each day, that piece of perspective
Firmly locked behind your eyes, within your
Blood swirling currents and tug and pull of the
limbic system,
Of what has come and where we will go.
Good things, good places, good thoughts endure.
We end up there, when the day comes to
Maybe that is it: Each of us on a single,
self-same journey
That in the end returns to ourselves, with the
Carrying on all about us, and we come to our
resting place.
And in that pivot point of stillness: the
question mark-shaped
Coast. The period at the end. That’s the
The pursuit of the divine. That's what one wants
to get near.
Rollicking waves one day followed by
The sharp tack of surety on others.
It will take
you there.
Pay your ticket.
Keep your bearings.
Do not