Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Watching a Panda Eat Bamboo at the Zoo

The pearl light of morning
Glazes a new green on the leaves.
A breeze stirs the wind chime,
Teasing bird song from the air.
He quizzically tilts his black-and-white 
Head at the hum of a truck going by,
Then turns toward the sun,
Shifting in the dapples of 
Tear-shaped leaves.
He snaps off shoots and munches.
Between bites, he rests on his hinds,
Allowing the bittersweet to pass
Over his fat pink tongue into
The blue sky of his Buddha belly.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Learning to Pray

At the first hint of spring,
I am a melting river
In the deep woods
At the break of dawn,
With a mild wind
Rushing over water,
Bubbles welling up
From the pebbly bottom,
That I melt into
As it rushes over me.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

The Amputation of the Untenable

You are a stranger to me,
This phantom limb
I spent 20 years
Hanging onto.
Now nothing but void
And the insolid of the solid,
In this hollow un-reality,
As if the time never existed at all —
Those sunny afternoons
Or harried Monday mornings,
Babies gasping first breaths
In birthing rooms,
Funerals of brothers and grandmothers.

This is the lesson that we live each day:
Many lives in this one, and
It is all a billowing dreamplay
In which our minds and actions
Shine the light,
Create the narrative,
And drop the curtain.
I know you no longer.
You are not there,
My dear. 
I neither care.
Nor care to care.