Monday, March 30, 2015

My Valentine to Creation

Something about the tangible itself,
Every inch and speck of it —
From the oak tree on the corner
Bearing fattening buds to the
People milling about in the soft,
Yellow light of their homes —
That just cries out for praise.
How exquisite is the world
And everything in it, if we look,
And are at rest and without
Internal strife or external threat.
How remarkable is mere breath tonight
And the dog on the leash
Sniffing tall snowbanks to
Decipher a dog code
We will never know.
How beautiful are all the people
We love and have loved — in those
Moments when we locked eyes
And smiled knowingly
At the bliss of existence.
How lucky have I been to connect
And make people laugh and cry
And think and wonder.
And they have done the same for me —
In ways deep and true.
I love them all.
How blessed it is to have moved
About this planet to far-flung places
To experience the differences
In cultures and landscapes.
How essentially good and true it is
To know God personally, to have
That awareness of a divine force
Behind everything, pulsing in
Your fingertips as well as in the stars,
Pressing out with an undeniable,
Ever-expanding affirmation that love
Infuses all things, all creation,
That faith is humming in the
March evening air tonight,
That somehow all is not lost and
Everything comes together harmoniously,
That love endures all eternity, all tragedy,
All pain, all unknowable boundaries ...
Lift up my heart and soul to sing praise —
I offer myself utterly and completely to you.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

In An Instant

all seems to turn around
like you never planned it
those fears that cropped up
wash under the coral reef
or silt under the forest floor
those dark clouds replaced
by the sunshine that had
glowed up there all along
that bare branch budding out
cliché and hokey but true
we lie to ourselves
far too much for our own good
and the lesson is to
soldier on as it were
and minimize your mistakes


You won.
I get it.
Point taken.
Purify me.
Burn out
My soul's
In your crucible.
Disconnect me.
Hollow me out.
I am a smoldering
Shell of self.
Still, I cry for mercy.